Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Charles Sovek: amazing artist and teacher

"Harbor Boats"

9x12 acrylic on board

I took a week long workshop with Chuck in Provincetown about 16 years ago. If you're not familiar with his work, check out this link:

Unfortunately, he passed away in 2007, but his son-in-law maintains his website.  If you can get a hold of any of his books, they're full of so much information and inspiration.

Here's how he felt about Plein Aire painting:
"I probably reveal more in the real and raw of a grungy harbor or congested back street than placid expanses of flower covered hills and snow tipped mountains. But who needs categories. Whether you call yourself an impressionist, realist, luminist, tonalist or fauve, it's the quality of life, energy, and inventiveness that validates a picture"


Sunday, December 29, 2019


Here's an uncropped first study of beautiful spot in Milford.

too complicated.  I think it will be better simplified.

Here's a cropped version.

 Here it is cropped to a square.

I think this is the best of the three compositions. 
I have to continually remind myself to use a viewfinder when I paint outdoors.  The landscape has so much information in it!

Back in the studio I can play with the design and because I've painted it on site, I remember more of what drew me to paint it.

Ask yourself:  "why am I painting this?"
"What is it I want to say?"
"How can I say it as simply as possible?" 

Friday, December 27, 2019

Winter Woods of Vermont

image was modified in Photoshop using filter called :cut-out.

This is the reference photo

This is the painting I did.  It's 9x12 oil on wood.  $375 framed with shipping.
I hope it takes you to a peaceful place, a silent walk, a chance to reset.


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Why Do I Paint?

Vermont hiking trail in West Dover. 12x16 oil on wood.

$500 framed (includes shipping)


"I Resolve to let every good thing I know reach its full expression in my life."


      Painting is one of the most profound and enjoyable experiences I participate in. It's an exercise in mindfulness that grounds me and takes me away for awhile.  I have to look, notice, compare and interpret, translating words into colors and shapes.

      I disappear for awhile and my brush takes over.  My painting doesn't have to be perfect or even finished. Maybe I will like what I do, but more often than not it may end up with many other studies piling up on shelves and racks in my basement.

      It doesn't matter.  The moment or experience is singed into my subconscious.  It's mine.  I learned something new and maybe even surprised myself.

      So, get some paints, give it a try, you may discover something new about yourself!